Friday, January 25, 2008

Class One

OK, started my class this week. It went pretty well, but for the fact that the bookstore ordered the wrong book so no one did the reading (and I KNOW they would have all done it!:-))

So we went over some basics, and asked a lot of questions that we hope to examine and answer throughout the semester.

Students: start thinking about paper topics!! Some ideas:

Alleged currency manipulation by the People’s Republic of China (PRC); are new international trade rules needed to regulate currency levels? Should the U.S. press China on this issue? Can it?

The role of electronic commerce in international trade

The role of high technology in international trade

Is every trade policy decision political? Should it be? Does it have to be?

The relationship between international trade and peace, stability, security

Free traders and environmentalists: can they both achieve what they strive for in a compatible way, or does one have to lose?

The relationship between the U.S. budget deficit and the U.S. trade deficit

The agricultural issues of the Doha Round of multilateral trade negotiations

Textiles, Apparel and Footwear: should these items still be restricted in trade?

Yahoo, Google, etc: privacy concerns, human rights, and the possible extraterritorial application and effect of U.S. laws

Accession of Russia to the World Trade Organization

Free trade in the Middle East

Role of Wal Mart in international trade

WTO Dispute Resolution: is it working? For whom? Does it need to be changed? How?

Is trade good or bad for workers?

I am open to any of your own ideas and look forward to hearing them!

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