Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hillary or Bust

Despite current events, I am an undying Hillary fan and supporter. Why? I cannot put it into words as eloquently as others. Listen to this for my view as well:

And, I remain outraged over the overt sexism that has plagued this campaign, with NO ONE in the leadership of the Democratic party expressing, or even mentioning, any outrage at all. Again, others say it better:

I will support Hillary to the bitter end, or as one of her supporters has stated: it is not over until the lady in the pantsuit says it is.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Funny Funny Funny

This piece is one of the funniest things I have read recently. Everyone should check it out. I was crying I was laughing so hard. I love new media.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


I consider myself a patron of the arts. I had season tickets to Long Wharf theater in New Haven, CT. throughout high school. I have season tickets to Signature Theatre in Arlington. I see other performances, of all mediums, when I can. I try to donate money to arts organizations when I can. I am helping some friends form a chamber music group called IBIS.

But it turns out that my sister-in-law and her husband (does anyone know the relationship there - between me and my sister-in-law's husband? Is there a name for it? But I digress...) are the true patrons. They have opened a photography gallery in Bloomington Indiana. Big name photographers are exhibiting work there. David is a spectacular photographer himself, and now he is sharing his love and knowledge of the medium with others. Check it out, whenever you find yourself in Bloomington, Indiana.

Trade and Agriculture

I cannot believe I have not blogged in such a long time. No excuse, just life got in the way. Having just taught a class on trade and agriculture last night, let me bring your attention to two items. First, the Washington Post is running an incredible series on the global food crisis. The series began last Sunday, and is tackling a new topic each day. However, the series also links the topics, discusses global links in agriculture, and looks at how different countries are handling the issues. I highly recommend reading each and every article.

Second, Women in International Trade is having a program related to agriculture next week (May 7). Check it out and attend.

And so I am back in action!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Trade and Politics and IP

With the primaries of Texas and Ohio looming ever closer, trade is actually becoming a big issue in the presidential contest! But, unfortunately, not in a good way. Both Dems are choosing to demogague the issue to get votes. Obama has flip flopped from his previously sound position stating that he would at least attempt to change the longstanding, failed U.S. "policy" (and I use the word policy lightly) on Cuba. He is also saying he will ban all toy imports from China. What is he? The Burger Meister Meister Burger?

Hillary, on the other hand, is vowing to take a "break" on free trade, and to "renegotiate" NAFTA.

I think it is safe to say that both candidates are simply trying to win votes, and neither will stick to any of their trade positions once in office, because of course those positions make no sense, and even clash with the more sound policies they have posted on their websites. Plus, candidates have a long history of changing positions on trade once in office. Remember Bill Clinton? He was going to ban all trade with China, in response to the "Butchers of Beijing." Turns out he was the most free-trade oriented president we have seen in a long time.

President Bush campaigned on free trade. But his first major trade initiative was to impose a section 201 action on steel imports for purely political reasons. Not free trade at all. So you can't always judge a candidate's trade position from what is being said on the campaign trail.

The NYT has a great article today on presidential politics and trade:

And since we are discussing intellectual property rights tonight in class, you may enjoy reading about our own problems in the US on this issue at

Thursday, February 21, 2008

My Big Bro

My big brother is amazing. I have, of course, as the little sis, always thought he was incredibly cool. When he wanted to listen to Peter Frampton on his 8-track tape, so did I. When he wanted to learn how to "disco dance," so did I. When he wanted to play hockey, so did I. When he wanted to jump his banana seat bike over a home-made jump after careening down the hill in our back yard...well, I drew the line there!

Anyhow, his coolness knows no bounds. He is now a professional fisherman in Florida, and he has just developed an extremely cool website that highlights his accomplishments, knowledge and all around skill.

Anyone interested in fishing, in learning about sustainability in fishing or in simply enjoying the outdoors should get in touch with Tony whenever you are in Florida (or before you go!)

He is just too cool. And professional. And awesome. I am so proud of my big bro!

Student Suggestions

My students are quite and engaged and interesting. They are looking and thinking about trade is there daily lives, and are sending me interesting articles that they are coming across. Here are a few links:
Exports Help Narrow Trade Gap (NYT)

WTO Ruling Against China on Car Parts

Creative Capitalism

Education Issues in Trade

Read on friends!

Friday, February 8, 2008


I had an amazing, girl-power day yesterday! I pulled my girls and a friend out of school WAY early to go and see, hear and meet Hillary Clinton. What an inspiration for us! She is so brilliant and gracious. And overall, it was just an incredibly special experience for my young girls to see the political process up close and working, regardless of the candidate. But of course I was thrilled for them to meet and listen to what could be the nation's first female president - they truly got the message that they can do anything from her! She is such a wonderful role model for them. And, of course, she is just so knowledgeable and smart on the issues, and is actually a great speaker. She gets panned for her speaking abilities so often in the media, I was actually surprised (pleasantly so, of course) at the extent to which that characterization is not true. She was also incredibly gracious with my girls and their friends, signing autographs, posing for pictures, shaking hands (which my older daughter then refused to wash all night!) She enthralled my older daughter, who listened carefully to her speech, asked questions about it afterwards, and parsed the issues and ideas. An amazing day!

Thursday, February 7, 2008


A small, local Arlington paper printed a story about my recent road trip to New Hampshire for Hillary! I not only turned it around for her, I am now famous for it!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Currency and Olympics

For anyone interested in learning a bit more about the currency manipulation issues, the GAO put out a good report on this issue:

Also, for papers, can anyone think of a good topic related to the Olympics in China?

Monday, January 28, 2008

More Paper Ideas

I am posting them as I think of them...

Restrictions on trade in sugar: why? good? bad? what does it mean for environmental issues? can it ever change or are lobbies too strong? should it change?

Friday, January 25, 2008

More Paper Topics

OK, a few more paper ideas:

Trade with Cuba: Can we open to Cuba? Should we? Who should benefit? Who will benefit?

Microfinancing: what is it, what has it done, why is it important for women?

Powerful global companies from...the developing world. Why and how are the growing? What does this mean?

Also, please read:
For discussion Wednesday. Had anyone heard of Tata before reading this? What do you think?

Class One

OK, started my class this week. It went pretty well, but for the fact that the bookstore ordered the wrong book so no one did the reading (and I KNOW they would have all done it!:-))

So we went over some basics, and asked a lot of questions that we hope to examine and answer throughout the semester.

Students: start thinking about paper topics!! Some ideas:

Alleged currency manipulation by the People’s Republic of China (PRC); are new international trade rules needed to regulate currency levels? Should the U.S. press China on this issue? Can it?

The role of electronic commerce in international trade

The role of high technology in international trade

Is every trade policy decision political? Should it be? Does it have to be?

The relationship between international trade and peace, stability, security

Free traders and environmentalists: can they both achieve what they strive for in a compatible way, or does one have to lose?

The relationship between the U.S. budget deficit and the U.S. trade deficit

The agricultural issues of the Doha Round of multilateral trade negotiations

Textiles, Apparel and Footwear: should these items still be restricted in trade?

Yahoo, Google, etc: privacy concerns, human rights, and the possible extraterritorial application and effect of U.S. laws

Accession of Russia to the World Trade Organization

Free trade in the Middle East

Role of Wal Mart in international trade

WTO Dispute Resolution: is it working? For whom? Does it need to be changed? How?

Is trade good or bad for workers?

I am open to any of your own ideas and look forward to hearing them!

Me, in the NYTs

I was in the New York Times today! Well, my name wasn't, but my college roommate wrote a story and referenced me, in cognito!!

My roommate is a fabulous writer, and, of course, a fantastic skiier! She is also an amazing mom and person. I am proud and happy to know her.

Grandma at 90

I had a fabulous weekend last weekend. My entire family gathered in upstate NY to celebrate the 90th birthday of my grandmother. She has 6 grandchildren, 10 great grandchildren. All were there. Her kids were there. Her siblings and their kids were there. It snowed every day. We had so much fun celebrating and playing and sledding and throwing snowballs and everything else. Everyone should go to every family gathering they can, particularly when they are honoring such a special matriarch!

Monday, January 14, 2008

More On Hillary - Economics

As I have said, when you look at substance, it is hard not to support Hillary. Check out Krugman's most recent column in the New York Times. As he points out, don't we want someone who actually knows what she is talking about??

Changing the World, One Snow Ball at a Time

As you know, my inspiring daughters BOTH gave up birthday presents to raise money for the planet on their most recent birthdays. Most recently, my youngest asked party attendees to bring donations for the Pew Center on Global Climate Change. We had the party. I have to confess, I was sort of the mother of they year on this one. She really wanted a "snow" party, and to have a snow ball fight. It is not anywhere near snowing in the DC Metro area, but I had to try to deliver. So, I went to a nearby ice rink, and asked if they would fill two coolers with snow from the zamboni. They delivered! Without a thought they let me haul in my coolers, and fill them. We had an amazing snowball fight on party day!!

Thanks to Mary Smaragdis, also mother of the year, who lent me not only one of the coolers that I used, but also beautiful glass snowflakes for decorating the house, and tons of craft supplies so that we could "make" snowflakes as an activity! We were in a winter wonderland when it was 60 degrees outside!!

Changing the World, One Door at a Time

I went to New Hampshire to work hard for Hillary Clinton. In my view she will make the best next President of the United States. Her dedication to public service throughout her life is quite astounding. And, even more impressive, is that she actually gets done what she sets out to do. I knocked on a lot of doors and talked to people about supporting her. After only a few minutes of listing her accomplishments and plans, it was not too hard to get people to agree. I even convinced an Obama canvaser to re-think her support. Indeed, not one Obama supporter I spoke with could articulate clearly or substantively why he or she was supporting him. If anyone is in doubt about what Hillary can accomplish as President, read her wikipedia entry - a concise overview of what she has already done. It is incredible how many people she has already helped. I also met Bill - shook his hand and got his autograph!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Amazing People

I went to college with some amazing people. I am going to start highlighting some of them here. First up is Christopher Smith, who founded and runs his own design firm. Poking around his website just made me happy that there are managers and people out there who think like he does. Check him out at I also am starting to check out a former classmate's blog: He is a professor at UCLA, and so far I am liking his blog!

Equal Billing

OK, I think I short changed my OTHER child yesterday. While the upcoming birthday gift is giving up gifts to change the world by collecting donations for the Pew Center, my OTHER child has already changed the world a bit and deserves credit. This past summer, in lieu of gifts, she collected donations for the World Wildlife Fund. BOTH my children have already changed the world at least a bit, and have started an excellent birthday tradition in our household. They are both inspirations for me everyday.

Also, I have realized that I am BAD at remembering to include links on this blog, and have to get in that habit. To find out more about, or or to donate to, the excellent Pew Center, check it out at

Hillary Clinton's campaign is at

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! This year I am going to do a lot of things, I can feel it. My class starts in a few weeks and I am preparing for that. My kids are growing up. My five year old has decided, in lieu of gifts, to collect donations for the Pew Center on Global Climate Change at her birthday party. She is my inspiration to help change the world right now! For my (first) mission, I am headed up to New Hampshire this weekend to work for Senator Clinton's presidential campaign. I am all about girl power, and making it happen. I just read a quote by Madeline Albright: "There is a special place in hell for women who don't help other women." I agree with that, and I do NOT want to go to that place!:-)! I am going to help Senator Clinton as much as I can!